CSIR-HRDG Physical science
CSIR-UGC NET was conducted by the CSIR and theUGC board located by Delhi. For science department CSIR conducted for various departments like Physical science, life science, Chemical science, Earth science and Mathematical science. CSIR was founded for the well known activities of CV Raman and JC Gosh Physical Science In the physical science which contains three parts required time 3 hrs for 200 marks Part - A (General Aptitude) Numerical ability: Such as simplification, LCM, HCF and Average, Allegation, Time, speed and work measurements Reasoning: Series, distance, directions, clock and calendar puzzles Data interpretation and graphical analysis: Mean, Median, Mode, Measures of dispersion, graphical analysis, Bar graph, pie chart and tabulation analysis Part 'A' Core Mathematical methods of physics Classical mechanics Electromagnetic theory Quantum mechanics Statistical physics Electronics Part 'B' and 'C...