
Showing posts with the label Holy Basil Basil

Basil - Holy Tulsi

Holy Basil - Tulsi      Basil is one of the most revered and consumed herbs, it is a perennial, aromatic, culinary, herbaceous bush type plant that has approx 60 species identified and categorized under the Ocimum genus in the plant family Lamiaceae. It is a good source of vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Chlorophyll and it posses antibacterial, insecticidal properties, its leaves have the capabilities to purify contaminated water.      Scientific studies present evidence for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic (pain reducer), antipyretic (fever reducer), hepatoprotective (liver-protector) cancer-fighter, diabetes-preventer, blood vessel-protector, Destresser, immune-booster, and more.          Basil is native to tropical regions from central Africa to  Southeast Asia .  It is a  tender  plant and is used in  cuisines  worldwide. Depending on the species and  cultivar , the lea...