
Making of Vibuthi - The Holy Ash

 Making Of Vibuthi - The Holy Ash Vibhuti (AKA Bhasma, Thiruneeru, the holy ash) is the ash from the Homa. In an age-old practice, Vibuthi is made out of dried cow dung cakes, invoking Vedic rituals, during the Maha Sivarathri festival. How to Prepare?     Th e cow dung cakes are prepared and dried in days and weeks ahead of the festival. The cakes are typically circular in nature about 10-15 feet in diameter. In more traditional households, while the cow dung cakes are prepared, the Vedic chants in praise of Lord Siva - the Sri-rudhram and Chamakam are chanted.      K ar ukkai - semi grown grains of Paddy, plays a key role in Vibhuti preparation. Importantly this is not to be confused with Kadukkai - a native nut used in Ayurvedic preparations.     O n the morning of Sivarathiri day, the spot for Vibhuti preparation is cleaned with cow dung, Gomaya, and decorated with Kolams. The cow dung cakes are placed in layers with Karukkai and ha...

CSIR-HRDG Physical science

CSIR-UGC NET was conducted by the CSIR and theUGC board located by Delhi. For science department CSIR conducted for various departments like Physical science, life science, Chemical science, Earth science and Mathematical science. CSIR was founded for the well known activities of CV Raman and JC Gosh Physical Science  In the physical science which contains three parts required time 3 hrs for 200 marks Part - A (General Aptitude)  Numerical ability: Such as simplification, LCM, HCF and Average, Allegation, Time, speed and work measurements Reasoning: Series, distance, directions, clock and calendar puzzles Data interpretation and graphical analysis: Mean, Median, Mode, Measures of dispersion, graphical analysis, Bar graph, pie chart and tabulation analysis Part 'A' Core Mathematical methods of physics Classical mechanics Electromagnetic theory Quantum mechanics Statistical physics Electronics Part 'B' and 'C...

Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM)

                                                SEM Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM) Scanning electron microscope is a one of the particle analytical method. SEM is one of the type of electron microscope. Here we using the single electron ray which is kinetically ejected from the electron gun. The ejected single electron powerfully hits the specimen which is known as sample and placed in the holder, the secondary electron rays is produced by the sample and secondary electrons are commonly detected by an  Everhart-Thornley detector . the secondary electrons are contains the different kinds of properties and the detector has counted the number of rays are scattered by the sample. the detected signal intensity is depends on the specimen topography. Schematic representation of SEM: SEM can achieve 1 nm Principal of SEM Accelerated electrons i...


Saving (Art of life)             Its been an enormous part of our life. In my whole life i am tried to do that. Basically all are try to do savings in the path of peaceful and violent, i tried in the both of them but i can't do it, because till that i don't know the basic knowledge of the savings. I came from the rural place no one not teach me about the savings including the schools, college and anything else. I learn from poverty until i don't know the logic reality, i.e " Art of saving is the Origin of poverty " Now a days majority of people are going through the raise their portfolio, while talking about the portfolio i remember the major of  Savings and Investing, let we discuss about the fundamental difference between the assets and investing are Savings Its only valid for   short term  Assets of the savings are the cash, T-bills, Bank account and the non move able property In the savings we got 0-2% of returns only...