CSIR-HRDG Physical science

CSIR-UGC NET was conducted by the CSIR and theUGC board located by Delhi. For science department CSIR conducted for various departments like Physical science, life science, Chemical science, Earth science and Mathematical science. CSIR was founded for the well known activities of CV Raman and JC Gosh

Physical Science 

In the physical science which contains three parts required time 3 hrs for 200 marks

Part - A (General Aptitude)

 Numerical ability: Such as simplification, LCM, HCF and Average, Allegation, Time, speed and work measurements

Reasoning: Series, distance, directions, clock and calendar puzzles

Data interpretation and graphical analysis: Mean, Median, Mode, Measures of dispersion, graphical analysis, Bar graph, pie chart and tabulation analysis

Part 'A' Core
  1. Mathematical methods of physics
  2. Classical mechanics
  3. Electromagnetic theory
  4. Quantum mechanics
  5. Statistical physics
  6. Electronics

Part 'B' and 'C' Core

  1. Newtonian mechanics
  2. Mathematical physics
  3. Classical physics
  4. Electromagnetic theory
  5. Quantum mechanics
  6. Statistical mechanics
  7. Electronics
  8. Nuclear and particle physics
  9. Atomic and molecular physics
  10. Solid state physics
  11. Relativity
  12. Error calculation
Some standard reference books are listed below
  • Newtonian mechanics - "An Indroduction to Mechanics" Kleppner & Kolenkow
  • Classical Mechanics - "Classical Mechanics" by Goldstein
  • Quantum Mechanics - "Introduction to Quantum mechanics" by Griffiths, "Quantum mechanics" Zettilt
  • Statistical Mechanics - "Statistical Mechanics" Pathria
  • Electricity and Magnetism - "Electrodynamics" Griffiths
  • Mathematical methods - "Mathematical methods for physists" by Arfken, "Mathematical Methods for physics and Energy" by Riley, Hobson and Bence
  • Atomic and Molecular physics - "Atomics and Molecular spectra: Laser" by Rajkumar, "Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy" by Banwell
  •  Nuclear and Particle physics - "Nuclear physics: An Introduction" by SB Patel
  • Solid state physics - "Introduction to solid state physics" by Charles Kittel
  • Electronics - "Principles of Electronics " by Mehta & Mehta
  • Relativity - Read chapters of Relativity from Klepners Mechanics and Griffiths Thermodynamics, you can read also "Introduction to special Relativity" by Robert Resnick
  • Error Calculation follows from online notes

CSIR Physical Science paper has a Total of 75 objective type questions (Questions to attempt 55) carrying Maximum of 200 marks. The entire question paper is divided into THREE parts A, B and C. All parts are compulsory.
Part-A for General Aptitude, Part- B and C for Physical sciences. Duration of exam is 3 Hours

CSIR UGC NET Physical science Marking Scheme

Total number of questions 75

Let know the complete details about the Marking and negative percentage for each section and Reservation cut off and all

Part A

Total number of questions= 20(1-20)
Number of compulsory questions= 15
Marks per each question= 2
Total marks in part A= 30
Negative marks per question= 0.5(each questions have 25% of negative mark)

Part B

Total number of questions= 25(21-45)
Number of compulsory questions= 20
Marks per each question= 3.5
Total marks in part B= 70
Negative marks per question= 0.88(25%)

Part C

Total number of questions= 30(45-75)
Number of compulsory questions= 20
Marks per each question= 5
Total marks in part C= 100
Negative marks per question= 1.25(25%)

Minimum cut off percentage for LS and JRF for different categories


Physical science

Unreserved=  53.31%
OBC= 45.88%
SC= 37.19%
ST= 29.19%
PWD= 25.0%

 Lecture Ship(NET)

Physical science

Unreserved=  47.98%
OBC= 41.29%
SC= 33.47%
ST= 26.27%
PWD= 25.0%

Why should appear for CSIR

  1. Opportunity to Join CSIR’s Owned 37 research labs and 39 Fields Stations to Satisfy you Research Appetite
  2. Opportunity to Pursue Research/Ph.D Program at Best Sciences Research Institutes in India.
  3. Handsome Stipend payout while pursuing Research
  4. Travel assistant to any deserving researcher working in Research Institute in India  participating Conferences, Seminar etc.
  5. Opportunity to Upskill yourself with Practical Learning!
  6. Eligible to Apply for Assistant Professor in Any Govt. College.

Career after CSIR NET

  1. Option to join as an Assistant Professor to any college if Qualified in LS or JRF-LS Category.
  2. Pin Government Sector, one can also join - EARC, IGCAR and ISRO as  Technical Staff Junior Scientist (B grade).
  3. Besides the labs of CSIR, one can also join the labs of DRDO about 47 labs across INDIA
  4. Opportunity to Join private firms as lot many hire students who are NET qualified, for Research and Innovation purpose.
  5. One can also plan to establish his/her own Research Lab, after getting due permission from the Government authorities


Unknown said…
Thankfull information
guruchandigarh said…
CSIR NET Coaching in Chandigarh The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has entrusted the responsibility of conducting CSIR-UGC NET

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